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latin church artinya

contoh kalimat "latin church"
  • It is distinguished from the Latin Church Diocese of Pittsburgh.
    Eparki tersebut berbeda dari Keuskupan Pittsburgh milik Gereja Latin.
  • All cardinals are of the Latin Church unless otherwise stated.
    Seluruh kardinal berasal dari Gereja Latin selain yang diberi catatan.
  • The Latin Church discipline continues to be debated for a variety of reasons.
    Aturan Ritus Latin terus diperdebatkan atas dasar berbagai alasan.
  • Church Fathers who wrote in Latin are called the Latin Church Fathers.
    Bapa Gereja yang menulis dalam bahasa Latin contohnya disebut Bapa (Gereja) Latin.
  • As of 2013, there were 44 territorial prelatures, all of which were in the Latin Church.
    Pada tahun 2013, terdapat 44 prelatur teritorial, semuanya berada dalam Gereja Latin.
  • The evolution occurred only in the Latin west, and in connection with the Latin church.
    Evolusi hanya terjadi di bagian barat Latin, dan dalam kaitannya dengan gereja Latin.
  • In Catholic Church, auxiliary bishops exist in both the Latin Church and in the Eastern Catholic Churches.
    Di Gereja Katolik, uskup Auksilier ada di Gereja Latin dan Gereja Katolik Timur.
  • By far the largest of the sui iuris churches is the Latin Church or the Latin Rite.
    Sampai dengan saat ini Gereja "sui iuris" terbesar adalah Gereja Latin atau Ritus Latin.
  • As in the Latin Church, the use of vestments is rooted in the early history of the church.
    Sebagaimana dalam Gereja Latin, penggunaan vestimentum dalam Gereja Timur juga bersumber dari tradisi Gereja Perdana.
  • In the Latin Church, all through the Middle Ages we find evidence of hesitation about the character of the deuterocanonicals.
    Dalam Gereja Latin, sepanjang Abad Pertengahan, terdapat bukti adanya keraguan mengenai posisi kitab-kitab deuterokanonika.
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